Science means a particular knowledge in a particular subject. It is a blessing for human civilization. Modern life largely depends on science. It has made impossible thing possible. It is like Aladin's Magic Lamp. We can't move a single day without science. It has made our life easy and comfortable. It has brought great blessings for our survival. The inventions are great blessings for mankind. Electricity is the most wonderful contribution of science. It has accelerated our human civilization. The advancement of modern civilization is impossible without it. Most of the machines are run by it. Computer is the most wonderful contribution of modern science. It is often considered to be a substitute for the human brain. There is hardly any sector where we do not use computer. If computer is connected with internet, it can work like Aladin's magic lamp. Science has brought back our life from incurable diseases. 

Biopsy, Ultrasonography, ECG, Ultra-violet ray, X-ray and Penicillin are the wonders of medical science. Many fatal diseases are easily curable today because of science. Science has created wonders in the field of communication. Telephone, mobile phone, telex, fax, wireless. telegram, e-mail etc. are great wonders. They have brought the world closer to us. We can send news from one corner of the world to another within a moment. Television, radio internet etc. are the main sources of mass communication as well as recreation. Television and radio are the popular mediums of communicating thoughts and opinions. At one hand, they broadcast the news of national and international affairs. On the other, they are the chief sources of entertainment Space travel is the most wonderful success of modern science. To land on the moon was once out of mar Science has also brought miseries for us.

The incident of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is notable. Modern science is advancing day by day for human civilization. It has made

ing day by day for human civilization. It has made the impossible thing possible. We can't pass a single day without it. We should use it for the bles

lay without it. We should use it for the blessing of human being.